Friday, January 16, 2009

Do All To The Glory Of God

We could decide to be estremely self-centered as christians. But that is not God's perfect will for us. He wants us to subdue our self interest as we grow in faith and serve others more and more. We should consider others first in things we do.
The Corinthian church found that difficult to do. They were full of themselves and sin reigned. Even the ordinary activity of eating and drinking led to a great conflict amidst the church.
How can the conflict be resolved? That was the challenge Apostle Paul had. God gave him the solution through His Holy Spirit.
Whether we eat or drink, let us do all things to the glory of God. If eating a particular food will not glorify God in your life, do not eat it. If drinking a particular brand will not glorify God in your life, do not drink it. This is for the sake of others watching you. You are the Bible people watch. They don't know God or Christ you serve but they know you. Let the love of Christ be reflected in you as you consider the interest of others. This is a task we must pray to accomplish.

P.S.: Text 1 Cor. 10: 31

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