Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lesson In Forgiveness

The young man was very furious with his debtor. At the point of need, he decided to ignore the plea of his neighbour who had problem with paying him back the money he lent to him.
He quickly ordered that his debtor be incapacitated and that his family be subjected to regimented suffering. You will never believe that he had just himself be forgiven of his own debt by his master.
The compassion he received, he stubbornly denied his fellow man. We often find ourselves in such a situation too. We tend to dwell on the mistakes and shortcoming of other people and refuse to let go of the past. We think more of how to revenge those who offend us than taking steps to forgive and reconcile.
Our lives and society will be better for it if we learn to receive grace to forgive more and have compassion on others. We should remember that Christ first forgave us our sins despite the heavy penalty it ought to have attracted.
Should you not have had compassion on your fellow neigbour? Think about this and let your pent up anger be released through the power of forgiveness. Remember the price Christ paid for your sins.

P.S.: Text Matt 18: 25-32

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