Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Necessity Of Restitution

'And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord, behold, Lord, the half of my goods i give to the poor; and if i have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, i restore him fourfold.'
The salvation experience of Zaccheus was dramatic. He met with some obstacles which could have discouraged him from taking the giant step to redemption. The crowd at the site where Jesus was preaching almost hindered him. He had hitherto had a poor public image as a tax collector. But any sinner that truely repent is assured of the mercy of God. The repentance of Zaccheus was genuine.

Christ gave him due attention despite people's objection. We saw the true fruits of genuine conversion in his actions. He started caring for the poor and reconciled with his enemies. He recognised those he had offended and defrauded. He restored what he collected from them fourfold.
Who are the people you offended before your salvation? How many people have you defrauded? How many homes have you rattled with sorrow? You need to take practical steps to make restitution and reconcile with them as a mark of true and genuine salvation. People must see practical evidence of the work of grace in your life.

Text: Lk 19:9

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