Monday, June 8, 2009

Peril Of Tongue

Have you ever remembered any event in your life where you wish you never spoke? Not because you cannot talk expressively anymore but the sorrow or regret of uttering those words still hunt you.
'I wish I had kept quiet all the while'. 'Oh! Why did I speak so foolishly? 'My husband, if he were to be alive, the situation could have been different. But.....why did I provoke the quarrel in the first instance? 'My foolish talk and action led to his untimely death'. 'Oh my God'.
The inward communication could be endless. Our tongue is a powerful part of the body. Careful use of it is necessary if we desire life and peace.
There was a King who once lived in a favored country. There has been victory in battle led by this king but this time, things has nosedived. He forsook his power base and was killed by the enemy in the war.
Sorrow enraptured the nation. A new king who was a sworn enemy of the dead king was kind hearted and felt deeply for the departed soul. While still in the mood of mourning, a stranger approached him to inform him he was responsible for the death of the departed king. He did that to seek favor but he was mistaken. His wrong use of tongue led to his untimely death.
How did he report himself? Let's hear him 'He said unto me, who art thou, and I answered him, I am an Amalekite. He said unto me again, stand, I pray thee upon me and slay me...So I stood upon him and slew him.....'That was the statement that led to the sudden termination of his life. But how did it happen? 'Then David took hold on his clothes and rent them.....and David said unto the young man that told wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's annointed? And David called one of the young men and said, go near and fall upon him. And he smote him that he died'.Be careful the way you use your tongue today. That lie you are planning to tell could be the trigger for sudden loss of your life prematurely.

Remember that 'he that hath knowledge spareth his words'. Think and pray more before you utter any word. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfil the desire of the flesh.

Text: 2 Sam 1 5-15

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