Friday, November 25, 2011

12 Ways To Attract Great Influence

As you go along in your life's journey, the way you relate with others will determine how influential you could be. Two of Christ's
disciples came to him one day and requested to be elevated above others. When they got to know about it, they became enviuos and angry. A sour relationship ensued and it took the intervention of Christ to settle the ensuing rift. You can read more about the request of James and John in Mark 10:35-45
What made Christ so influential in his lifetime and beyond are his peculiar patient relationship with men. 'Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve' (Mk 10:45). That's the secret of the power of influence you can have over others.
The Roman Way To Great Influence
In Romans 12:9-21, we shall examine 12 magnificent ways to attract great influence:
1. Let Love Be Without Dissimulation. You will attract great influence if you can love people wholeheartedly without deception. Let your love be pure and without condition.
2. Have Evil And Do Good: Evil is repulsive and will scare people away from you. If you do good, people will remember you for the positive way you have touched their lives and will always remember you for it.
3. Be Kind To Others: A little deed of kindness can illuminate the lives of those hurting and lonely. Someone needs your kind affection each day. It could be a word of encouragement ; it could be an infectious smile. One way or the other, it will make others better. Show it to them.
4. Put Others First. In honour, prefer other people to take the glory while you work in the background. You will soon find out how the glory will come back to you.
5. Don't Be Slothful In Business: Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might. It pays to work hard to bless others.
6. Be Fervent In Spirit: Your partnership with the Holy Spirit will introduce a great supernatural dimension to what you can accomplish for God and others. In the spiritual race, this is the multiplication factor.
7. Serve The Lord: If you can't serve God, you can't serve others. Serving God opens the door to meet more people and be of use to them.
8. Rejoice In Hope: Hope gives enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is infectious. Hope never make ashamed for the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.
9. Be Patient In Tribulation: When you are being persecuted for your faith. Wait for God knowing that the trial of your faith is much more precious than gold that perishes.
10. Distribute To The Necessity Of The Brethren: Share your resources with those of the household of faith. There are so many believers around you who needs your help materially. Don't deny them.
11. Be Hospitable: Even as wicked as this world is, you still need to extend hospitability to strangers. Some by so doing had entertained angels unawares.
12. Continue To Pray For Others: You can have greater influece on those you pray for. Mothers had prayed their children to the kingdom of God. Hudson Tailor was greatly used of God. But he was rascally during his youthful years. It took the persistent, fervent prayer of his mother to move the Holy Spirit to convince him of his sinful ways.Later in life, Hudson Tailor became a highly successful missionary to China. He was greatly used of God.
You too can positively grow your power of influence if you follow the 12 steps above.

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