Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The SID Principle

Rumour have great tendency to damage and destroy anything that is good. A careless comment on unverified allegations can put an end to any good relationship. Wars sometimes arose as a result of lies and deception.
The children of Israel had taken over Canaan as promised by the Lord but not all the tribes had their abode on the same side. The children of Reuben and others decided to stay at the other side of the river and build an alter to God as a mark of identical lineage with the other tribes. From the blues came the accusation that the children of Reuben had built idols for themselves. Other tribe quickly set out for war to call them to other.
The leaders were not overwhelmed with the rumour mill. They quickly sent emisaries to Search out , Investigate and Diligently verify the matter.

Phinehas, the leader of the team was to later discover the real intention and motive of the children of Reuben. The fact of the matter dissolved all doubt and dispelled the rumour. War was averted eventually.

We should employ the SID principle in all our affairs in order to verify all facts before taking any action. Search out the matter. Investigate issues thoroughly and Dilligently pursue the truth before taking any decision. That will save your life and preserve your relationship. It will also make you wiser.

'Then shalt thou inquire and make search, and ask diligently.....'

In the mouth of two or three witness shall the truth be established.

Text. Joshua 22:10-29, Deut. 13:14

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