Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Can You Sacrifice For Others?

'For I could wish that myself were acursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh'.
What could have warranted such a wish from this reknown apostle of God-Paul? As I reflect more on this statement, I am deeply moved to wonder more on his message. He rather wanted to be lost so that others could be gained. He wanted to take the back seat so others could assume the front row.

What can you sacrifice for others? There is something you can do to save others. Some are in the police force to provide security. They put their lives on the line. Others volunteer to be rescue operators in times of emergency so that others could be saved.

What can you sacrifice for others? Your time is precious. You can invest it to build up others. Why not think about telling others about Christ instead of thinking about your problems and limitations. Why can't you say a word of comfort to those in sorrow? You can devote yourself to praying for others in intercessory prayers.

Your writing talent could bless others. Share your inner thoughts on what you know best. By doing this, others will benefit from your service. Remember that Christ gave His life for you on the cross sacrificially. What can you too sacrifice for others? What about your inspirational songs? Don't keep it under the pillow. Let others hear you sing it. You will be amazed how they have been waiting for you.

Life is too short to be wasted on frivolities. Start today. Let your life count for others.

Text: Romans 9:1-5

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