Thursday, June 11, 2009

3 Unique Path To Hapiness

Never be mistaken. Money never brings true hapiness. Hapiness goes beyond connection and wealth. The real source of hapiness is a secret known to very few people. So many people who crave to have hapiness through wealth and human methods soon find out that they have been on a wild goose chase. Recently, a billionaire took his own life because of the negative effect of the global melt down.
What then is the secret of enduring hapiness?

'He hath shown you O man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require of of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God'.
1. To Do Justly: This is the very first path to follow. It is a direct route to enduring happiness. The just shall live by faith. Faith in the sacrificial death of Christ for your salvation is the first step to true hapiness. Are you saved by grace? Can you boldly say your sins have been forgiven? Have you turned away from your sinful ways and embraced the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour?
Remember that the vilest offender who truly believe will receive from Jesus a pardon.
Friend, if you are yet to be a member of the kingdom of God, step in today. Acknowledge your sins, repent from them and confess Christ as Lord and Saviour. That faith will save you and instantly turn you into a just man or woman.

2. To Love Mercy: Next thing to do in order to have true hapiness is what you do to your fellow man. You cannot say you love God and be wicked to fellow being. Show mercy to others. What others need from you legitimately, be ready to give at all times. If you are merciful, you too shall receive mercy. Think about how well and happy you feel if you are favoured. Be kind and affectionate to others. You can give sacrificially to the needy around you. This is a good example of showing mercy. You can lend a helping hand to a dieing soul. Preaching the gosple message to sinners is a practical way to show you really care for their souls. The fruits you bear from such efforts is a divine source of hapiness.

3. Walk Humbly With God: As humble as Moses was, he fell into the mistake of pride and provocative uterance at a point in his ministry. He was denied getting to the promised land because he dishonoured God. Pride destroys. It robs you of divine priviledges and favour. Be determined to walk humbly with God though unconditional obedience to His leading. You shall have true happiness and joy.

Text: Micah 6:8

1 comment:

Tidbits of Torah said...

He hath shown you O man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require of of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God'.

Shalom, might I add what the Torah says more on what the Lord requires of us. Througout Torah - expecially Tehillim/Psalms - King David teaches us that the righteous person is one that follows the statutes,the laws (Torah) of G-d. Please read from Psalms 1 but 119 is my favorite.

also, salvation from one's sins has nothing to do with a man dying for our sins as the Torah teaches us that this can not be. Please visit to learn more